Copy of 狗狗MBTI性格測驗

Dog MBTI Personality Test

Dog MBTI Personality Test

Question 1:

How does your dog typically interact with strangers?

A. Friendly and welcoming
B. Shy or wary
C. Indifferent or aloof
D. Curious but not overly friendly

Question 2:

How does your dog behave when playing with toys?

A. Energetic and enthusiastic
B. Cautious or gentle
C. Shows little interest or ignores them
D. Curious but not overly playful

Question 3:

How does your dog react to unfamiliar environments?

A. Excited and eager to explore
B. Cautious or hesitant
C. Shows little interest or disinterest
D. Curious but not overly reactive

Question 4:

How does your dog react when meeting new dogs?

A. Very friendly and social
B. Cautious and reserved
C. Shows little interest or indifference
D. Curious but not overly playful

Question 5:

How does your dog behaveThe response was truncated. Here's the continuation of the HTML code: ```html when faced with a challenge or obstacle?

A. Confident and determined
B. Tentative or hesitant
C. Doesn't seem bothered or unaffected
D. Curious and tries to figure it out

Question 6:

How does your dog react to loud or sudden noises?

A. Remains calm and unfazed
B. Gets startled or anxious
C. Seems indifferent or unaffected
D. Curious but not overly reactive

Question 7:

How does your dog behave around children?

A. Friendly and playful
B. Cautious or reserved
C. Shows little interest or indifference
D. Curious but not overly reactive

Question 8:

How does your dog react to changes in routine?

A. Adapts quickly and easily
B. Takes time to adjust
C. Shows little interest or unaffected
D. Curious but not overly reactive

Question 9:

How does your dog behave during training sessions?

A. Eager to learn and please
B. Reluctant or stubborn
C. Shows little interest or disinterested
D. Curious but not overly reactive

Question 10:

How does your dog react when left alone?

A. Comfortable and independent
B. Anxious or distressed
C. Shows little interest or unaffected
D. Curious but not overly reactive



Step 1: 輸入毛孩體重

Step 2: 選擇毛孩身體狀況/階段

Step 3: 選擇毛孩運動量

Step 4: 按 ‘計算’



1. 基礎代謝率(Resting Energy Requirement,RER):

   RER(卡路里/日)= 70 × (體重(千克)^ 0.75)

2. 活動代謝率(Active Energy Requirement,AER):

   AER(卡路里/日)= RER × 活動系數


- 不活躍:1.2 - 1.4

- 中等活動:1.4 - 1.6

- 高活動:1.6 - 2.0



根據NRC(National Research Council,美國國家研究委員會)的指南,計算毛孩每日所需的卡路里通常需要考慮以下幾個因素:

1. 體重:體重是計算卡路里需求的重要因素。一般來說,較重的毛孩需要更多的卡路里來維持其基礎代謝率和日常活動。

2. 年齡:幼、成年和老年的能量需求是不同的。幼和成年通常需要更多的卡路里來支持生長和活躍的生活方式,而老年的能量需求可能會稍微降低。

3. 活動水平:活躍度高的毛孩通常需要更多的卡路里來支持其運動和日常活動。相反,較為懶散或久坐不動的毛孩可能需要較少的卡路里。

4. 絕育狀態:絕育或未絕育的狗狗在卡路里需求方面可能有所差異。絕育的毛孩可能需要稍微較少的卡路里,因為他們的代謝率可能會有所降低。
